Thursday, April 2, 2009

USA behind Cuba and Europe in progressive healthcare- and nobody cares-OZONE THERAPY

So the funding limitations on stem cell research have been "lifted"... Well what about another proven viable medical practice? Ozone Therapy.

Hospitals and clinics in Europe and Cuba liberally make use of ozone therapy. Yet this medical advancement is being underrated in the United States and much of North America. Many doctors recommend ozone therapy for preventative care (9). Ozone has been used for decades to combat a myriad of illnesses, (many chronic) some include glaucoma, Parkinson's disease, AIDS, chronic fatigue, acne, hepatitis, allergies, and poor circulation to name a few. It is important to note that ozone therapy is just one part under the umbrella of oxidative therapies which also contain hydrogen peroxide and oxygen therapies. On March 24, 2009 a patient of Dr. Howard Robbins gave testimonial on Progressive Radio Network (PRN) radio hosted by Dr. Gary Null (New York) to the positive effects ozone therapy has had on his multiple sclerosis. The patient listed "improved vertigo, less dizziness, weight loss, decreased fatigue." Dr. Howard Robbins said that ozone "acts like a glue attaches to bad things fungus, yeasts" and deactivates them (10). The New Hope Medical Center in Scottsdale, Arizona and the Nevada Center of Alternative & Anti-Aging Medicine in Carson City are leading ozone therapy facilities in the United States.

Chemo might deplete your strength, Ozone may make you strong

Ozone therapy does not threaten the immune system as chemotherapy and radiotherapy do. However, if these therapies are required, ozone therapy may be used in conjunction and often mitigate their adverse side-effects (11). Such combination proved useful with the ozone therapy/radiotherapy trials in Spain (7). Dr. Neil McKinney says, "Radiation disrupts tissue organization by removing vital immune and stem cells" (11). It's important to strengthen the immune system in cancer patients because this will enable the immune system to recognize and fight cancer cells most effectively. McKinney says, "There is clearly a need to improve on the therapies that are currently considered the medical standard of care. What little progress that is seen in cancer care by conventional medical oncology is coming at an unsustainable price" (11). It is abhorrent that this potentially life saving procedure is being neglected in study and practice, especially when it has been shown to have positive effects on patients. Rilling and Viebahn, Kehr, and McCabe all site a popular January 1980 trial by the German Medical Society for Ozone Therapy in which 644 therapists were surveyed regarding 384,775 patients, totaling administration of 5,579,238 ozone treatments. There were less than 40 cases of side effects cited out of over 5.5 million representing a low rate of .000007% adverse incidents and four deaths. This study is perhaps one of the most well known and cited of ozone studies. Ozone clearly has potential to be a wildly successful and safe medical therapy.

There are three key discoveries that explain why ozone helps to fight cancer. First, cancer arises because of a lack of oxygen to the cells (Warburg). Second, cancer has a viral component (Watson). Third, the growth of select tumors is inhibited by ozone (Varro). It's abilities to successfully regulate the immune system, kill pathogens, mitigate infection, detoxify the body, increase circulation and oxygen levels, and combat fatigue is due to it's unique chemical properties, high energy state, instability, and rate of reaction. Ozone is a misunderstood disinfectant. Ozone therapy continues to be among several neglected, yet effective therapies.

TAKE NOTE: Anyone interested in any therapies mentioned in this essay must seek professional guidance before proceeding with any form of treatment. This is one part of a series of Ozone related essays (sources available upon request).

Additional Notes of Interest:
Some experts define ozone as a molecule having anywhere from 3 atoms of oxygen to 5, 6 or even as much as 21 atoms of oxygen. If this is the case, then that would even boost ozone's ability to effectively distribute oxygen in the body.
Ozone is sometimes used at about .1ppm in therapy. Some facilities practice such treatment, but many doctors are forced to stay "underground" for fear of loosing their licensing. Several prominent people have been suspected of using ozone therapy such as Irvin Magic Johnson and Rupert Murdoch.
These test would also help to answer lingering questions such as does ozone kill cancer or the viruses that cause cancer? Is it possible for fungus, bacteria, or pathogens to cause cancer?
Ozone should definitely be studied more extensively as it has proven potential. What's the fear of study?
Sometimes ozone is injected directly into the cancer patient as in with intravenous injections.

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