Tuesday, April 28, 2009

'Get your ASS OUT the car, and WALK HOME'

I really feel for mothers and fathers like Madeline Primoff, Darlene Ong [1], or even mai Mom and Dad who have felt the need to put an underage child out the car to walk home for misbehavior. I feel for mothers like Primoff who have been JAILED for such action.

First and foremost, DONT MAKE EMPTY THREATS. Do what you say you are going to do, or don't say it. This is the only way threats like "Don't make me pull this car over" are ever actually going to be effective. If you’ve set a history with other things that you do what you say.

This issue has come to light in the news recently because Primoff and her mother were in the car when they put out her 10 and 12 year old daughters for 'acting out'. The mother was trying to teach the girls that if they behave badly, then they will have to suffer in a way that they wont like. Primoff (or her lawyer rather) said that she and her mother dropped the girls off on the street, drove around the block, and when they came back to retrieve them, the older girl was there, but the 10 year old was missing! Apparently, a passerby took the 10 yr old for ice cream and then dropped her off with a police officer. (Thank you passerby for not being a crazy person. I hope Primoff is thanking God for that.) Primoff called to report her daughter missing and when she arrived at the precinct to pick her up, Primoff was arrested and jailed overnight for abandoning the child.

Ok, wow this is 'Get your ass out the car' gone WRONG, terribly, terribly wrong. Could I ever image making my child walk home for bad behavior? HELL YEAH! Would I ever make mai child think that I was going to leave them somewhere they didn't know and where they couldn't get home from... NO! Inducing abandonment issues shouldn't be the goal Mom. ABC News didn't make it clear as to if the girls were dropped off at a place they knew and could possibly get home from.

Factors have to be taken in to consideration to effectively enact ‘Get your ass out the car’. (This tactic was supported by the ‘expert’ on ABC News though she said you should drive alongside the child as they walked.) If you think there's a possibility you would enact this sort of disciplinary action on your child, why wouldn't you have a premeditated game plan?

Factor Q: Number of offending children? There is strength in numbers. I'd be more likely to drop off 4 children than 2.

Factor X: Will the children stay with each other if I drop them off? 'Get your ass out the car and you better not come home without your baby sister or this will seem like a walk in the park!" Obviously Primoff didn't think that one thru. I can't believe her 12 year old let the 10 year old go off on her own. I know families, where even if you are fighting, the parents have set up a system whereas the older siblings know they are responsible for the younger ones. I mean lets keep in mind, 12 is babysitting age!

Factor Y: What’s the weather like? What time of day is it? Are the children dressed appropriately?

Factor Z: Do the kids know the area? Do you as a parent know the area? How long will it take them to get home or to their destination? In mai childhood neighborhood I could ride mai bike to the park that was 15min away. I could've walked from there if I was interested in exercising. So dropping a 12 yr old there in daylight to walk home could be totally appropriate behavior. Also, I grew up in a rural country community, I wouldn’t drop a kid off on Skid Row in LA even if it was a short 45min walk to mai front door.

I think making children walk home can be a useful tool if it’s not used in the heat of the moment. That’s where this situation went wrong. If Primoff would have thought out the situation she probably wouldn't be in such hot water. I dont disagree with the practice totally, but I do think the way Primoff went about it was irresponsible. I mean, a passerby picked her child up! Thank God the ice cream wasn't drugged and she was delivered to an officer... but it could have just as easily gone another way. 'Get your ass out the car and walk home’ can only be enacted when the risks have been calculated and its used as a teaching and discipline method not as an unthought about whim the parent goes on. Each situation is different, so assess your situation before you enact this, but there IS a place for it. If they piss you off 25 miles from home, wait till you are 4 miles from home, and make em walk if the factors line up. ‘That’s right Billy, you’re ass was made for walkin’, so that just what your bad ass is gonna do. I love you, see you when you get home’

1. ABC News

Friday, April 24, 2009

Gameplay- Do you want to be my boyfriend? Check Yes or No

Men and women ARE different, and how we interact with the opposite sex is significant, and depicted about how we view our roles in society. I just had an interesting conversation with two 20-something women* about male/female dynamics in budding relationships. Laney's been married one year, Mona's been dating a guy for one month, and me, married for 5 years.

Mona is anxious to know if her relationship has reached exclusive boyfriend/girlfriend status, but isn't sure about how to find out. She's considering having a friend ask the guy, in a round-a-bout way. Laney advises to 'hold off' and let the guy take the initiative in that respect. Laney finds it best to wait for men to say 'I love you' first because ‘men like to do things like that’. She believes woman can be assertive without being dominant, and that not letting the man take the initiative is usurping his dominance. She says women can be assertive by ‘getting what they want’ without having to have a discussion. She has a girlfriend who's been wanting to say she loves her guy since a few months into their relationship, but has been waiting for 3 years for him to say it first, and therefore doesn't quite know where their relationship stands. I say, if you are in a relationship (where you desire longevity), ask questions flat out, clearly, and as they arise. I don’t see a place for poor communication and inhibition in a healthy adult relationship. I see finding a back-door way of talking about things with your partner so that he feels more like the 'direction-setter' as a form of playing games that everyone should avoid. I am a big believer and appreciator of feminine wiles, but I like to ‘get what I want’ by talking it out.

I'm sure part of my POV comes from my distaste for men who shy away from assertive women. Is being 'too domineering' a concern that women in fledgling relationships ?All men are different, as are situations and relationships. Most would agree that there are times when the woman should say 'I love you' first and such. But the true question is: Is there ANY circumstance where a woman who questions the status of her relationship should wait for the man to establish it before asking questions? Is she gonna 'run off' the potential love of her life? Should you ever stay silent from your partner when you have questions? Should you play 'harmless' covert games to find out what you need to know?

I feel like NOT asking questions as they arise is putting your life on hold. If he wants to be exclusive and so do you, fine; but if he doesn't, and you don’t find out, then you are going to turn down other dating opportunities. How's that fair?

*Names have been changed to protect Mai

ProgressiveU: http://www.progressiveu.org/blog/mai

Gaia: http://markmaiwords.gaia.com/blog

Hood Doctors: http://thehooddoctors.ning.com/profiles/blog/list?user=3ld643w6vk6z9

Wordpress: http://maiweblog.wordpress.com/

Monday, April 20, 2009

'Not to offend anybody, but I just don't think gays should be getting married'

Yikes, touchy subject right? This issue is on the minds of millions. But this is essentially the response that Miss America first runner-up California's Carrie Prejean gave last night on the Miss America Pageant contest. Infamous online celebrity gossiper, and totally gay dude Perez Hilton asked Prejean the tough question. (I felt sorry for the girl when she got it. I mean Miss Arizona had to answer a question about how she got her childhood nickname- lame.) Hilton was obviously not excited by her answer. Though it was neck in neck all night between the top two, Miss North Carolina's Kristen Dalton (gorgeous blue gown btw) won the title. So did that question cause the title for California? And would that be 'just'?

Its funny that Prejean is from California because I tend to think of Cali as a liberal, (somewhat hedonistic), live and let live, anything goes sort of atmosphere, though of course you get all types everywhere... (I mean I don't think fiery Miss Utah was Mormon but I don't know...)

There is never going to be a time where everyone in the country supports marriage equality. There's never going to be a time where we all agree on everything. Keeping that in mind, should Perez Hilton 'hold that against' Prejean? Can a Miss America who doesn't support marriage equality accurately represent this increasingly diverse nation?

I too was brought up with a religious background that doesn't support gay lifestyle. That shouldn't be a big surprise, I dont think most people are. However, I was also brought up not to pass judgement on people. You can still like people and recognize that people are good people without agreeing with everything they do, basically. I also happen to be pretty liberal. And I think that politics and laws are not currently governed by religious morals (beautiful wicked world).... so therefore, its not just (by law/politics/etc) to have unequal marriage rights, en mon avis...

I say all that to say, thought I dont agree with Prejean 'per se' it had to be pretty difficult for her to answer Hilton as she did. And there's a lot to be said for standing your ground. I'm proud of that in her, and I'd like to be proud of Miss America.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

'Synecdoche, New York'- WTF? Too abstract for its own good?

"Synecdoche, New York" is an intriguing, thought-provoking drama about_______________________________________. (fill in the blank)

I'm formulating my ideas and processing my feelings about this work, and have chosen to do so before I research any reviews or analysis so that I can keep my thoughts as pure as possible. But artist and cultural activist Erykah Badu's lyrics come to mind, "What good do your words do, if they can't understand you?" Can art be too abstract for its own good?

This film reminded me of a well thought out play. It's no secret that plays are generally thought to have more depth than movies. I believe this is because (among many things*) the generally short time span plays encompass as opposed to films, and therefore the audience in invited to experience the entire world of the piece infinitely more than with cinema. However, this film spans nearly 2 decades (I think). I still felt like I was watching Angles in America by Tony Kushner or perhaps In the Blood by Suzan-Lori Parks. That delightful heavy feeling you experience with a show like that, was felt while watching this film. I was so impressed.

Generally, plays tend to lean towards the abstract more than films. Synecdoche, New York was definitely abstract. In this work we follow a theatre director named Caden though several romantic and familial relationships as he attempts to understand himself, a goal he never achieves (or perhaps only slightly achieves by having his life completely manipulated by a theatre director playing himself). He is awarded a MacArthur Fellowship ("Genius Award") and plans to create a huge production to tout his skills. He sets his pseudo-performance art style play in a warehouse and has a cast as large as the community of people he surrounds himself with. Let's just say its a MASSIVE production. The play is never fully mounted (I think).

It's not an easy film to describe. I recommend everyone see this thought-provoking film. What did I take away? A reinforced idea that life is obscure, and the relationships within are based on an innumerable amount of absurd details. That happen to be fascinating because of what they may suggest about one another. (Why where the psychiatrist's shoes so damaging to her feet and why did she ignore it? Why was Hazel's house always on fire?) I also remember that life is not about the individual. Keeping this in mind should put ego, paranoia, anxiety, and selfishness in perspective.

It seemed that Caden (was he ever really sick? and was there anything significant about Olive's green poop at the film's start?) was unable to overcome the stress with directing his own life, though he was astute in directing actors. Eventually, an actor, playing Caden as a theatre director had to direct him in his everyday life until his death. Or had he become just another actor in the play?

This film will leave you with plenty of questions.

* films make more money and have the luxury of being as trivial as they want because they have a larger audience

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ozone Therapy: Methods, Practioners, & Safety

Topic: Methods of administration, safety, importance of skill of practitioner

Ozone therapy and generators must only be administered and handled by trained practitioners to ensure safety. No ozone need come in contact with the respiratory system for this therapy to be effective. Medical grade ozone used in therapies is diluted to a point that can be utilized by our bodies. Trained practitioners can regulate the volume and concentration of ozone production and regulate the quantity administered. This is of utmost importance because all substances in the body out of proper proportion will cause adverse effects. This is true of common medications like aspirin, elements such as magnesium or chlorine, treatments such as radiation, or even the purest of substances, water. Ozone generators are used by taking pure medical grade oxygen and sending electric currants through it, causing the oxygen molecule to decompose, and recombine with other oxygen molecules to form O3, ozone. The ozone gas is then pumped into a closed system (i.e. bottle, tube) which allows no ozone to escape into the atmosphere. This unique quality of ozone decomposing after 40 minutes adds to the safety of administering this gas. It can not be stored, thus no more is produced at a time than what is required. This makes for very little chance of exposing it into the atmosphere. However, if it where to be released in to the atmosphere inadvertently the amount of ozone would be very small. There are a plethora of ways to administer ozone therapy. Autohemotherapy is a predominate intravenous method. In this method anywhere between 50mL to 200mL of the patient's blood may be extracted and combined in a closed system to a bottle with ozone gas or a melange of ozone gas and oxygen gas. The two substances are then gently agitated to instigate infusion. The oxygenated blood turns bright red and is then injected back into the patient's blood stream. Ozone therapy has also been administered via drinking oxygenated water, using oxygenated oils, intramuscular injection, ear insufflation, and ozone bagging to name a few.

Additional Notes:
Ozone generators are extremely safe when used correctly.
Ozone depletion is of grave concern. CFCs have depleted the ozone for years via refrigerators and other appliances, also aerosol cans.
Oxygen has little potential to cause harm if inadvertently exposed in the atmosphere.

More on Ozone Therapy

http://www.progressiveu.org/blog/51628-dispelling-ozone-myths-science-it = Myths about Ozone

http://www.progressiveu.org/blog/51624-ozone-therapy-key-foundation = The discoveries of Dr. Warburg, Dr. Watson, Dr. Varro

http://www.progressiveu.org/blog/51620-ozone-therapy-are-potential-cures... = How Ozone is believed to fight cancer

http://www.progressiveu.org/blog/51645-why-ozone-kicks-oxygens-ass-ozone... = Why Ozone is better at fighting cancer than Oxygen

http://www.progressiveu.org/blog/51675-ozone-therapy-methods-practioners... = Methods of administration, safety, importance of skill of practitioner

http://www.progressiveu.org/blog/51622-usa-behind-cuba-and-europe-progre... = History of use, present day usage, and lack of study

Monday, April 6, 2009

Why Ozone kicks Oxygen's Ass: Ozone Therapy

Like it or not one day, in this crazy, beautiful, wicked world pot will be decriminalized, plus sized models will prevail, abortion will stay, gays will marry, people who don't love the constitution will stop being villianized, and alternative medicine/therapies will flourish. We've seen limitations on stem cell research be lifted, and one day, hopefully sooner than later, we will see more research and practice of Ozone therapy.

There are three key discoveries that explain why ozone helps to fight cancer. First, cancer arises because of a lack of oxygen to the cells (Warburg). Second, cancer has a viral component (Watson). Third, the growth of select tumors is inhibited by ozone (Varro). Ozone is a misunderstood disinfectant. Ozone therapy is a neglected treatment that can effectively fight cancer. Ozone is an effective immunoregulator that kills pathogens, mitigates infection, detoxifies the body, increases circulation and oxygen levels, combats fatigue. These are made possible by it's unique chemical properties, high energy state, instability, and rate of reaction.

Why use ozone, a known carcinogen which (when tropospheric) may harm the epithelial tissues in our lungs, in oxidative therapies instead of O2 exclusively? The noted and influential Dr. Erwin Payr said, "Ozone can do what oxygen cannot". Ozone is molecular oxygen with one or more extra atoms of oxygen; the more oxygen atoms to disperse, the more effective at diffusing oxygen into the body. Due to the small quantity of ozone required per treatment, (and therefore small amount produced at a time) it poses little threat to our atmosphere. Unstable ozone requires less energy than stable O2 to undergo reaction. Once ozone is infused into the blood, it quickly breaks down into oxygen, readily oxidizes blood and tissue cells, and rapidly circulates more oxygen in the blood stream than O2. Anne Schadde author of O3zone: A Homeopathic Proving says, "The intense reactivity of ozone is explained by suggesting that one of the three oxygen atoms is in an 'atomic' state. On reacting, this atom is dissociated from the O3 molecule, leaving molecular oxygen, O2. The molecular oxygen, O2, is not reactive at ambient temperature and pressures. However, the atomic oxygen, O, is far more reactive" (6). Ozone's 18 electrons have a high energy, making the molecule highly reactive and unstable. This is apparent by its short lifespan of about 40 minutes. After about 40 minutes before ozone decomposes back into oxygen molecules and atoms. In an email exchange with London-based ozone therapist Steven Salem Karim he writes, "The difference between medical Ozone and Oxygen is in the physical and chemical properties...Ozone is far more unstable and has more energy. This energy can be released in a number of ways and can effect the way it reacts with other chemicals or biochemistries. Oxygen is a very stable element and needs more energy to react with chemicals and other biochemistries. These characteristics between Ozone and Oxygen is why Ozone is way more powerful as an oxidiser. The oxidation potential between Ozone and Oxygen is that Ozone has much greater oxidation potential than Oxygen...I describe it as a super enriched oxygen" (8).

The discoveries of Otto Warburg, James D. Watson, and Joaquim Varro were integral to developing a regime for ozone to fight cancer.

Research opposing viewpoints for yourself, as I did. Cut out the middle-man and see sources with YOUR own eyes. They are truly easy to find. Check out comments on mai other blogs in this series. What works for some, doesn't work for all, and vice versa. BUT IGNORANCE WORKS FOR NONE. If you or someone you love are in need, and knowledge of this underrated treatment could help you, I'm fully justified and proud to shed more light. This is NOT the first medical care that people have villianized only to later tout as advanced.

"EDUCATION IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN IGNORANCE- dont be shamed into not knowing. Its always ethical to be well informed." - mai

TAKE NOTE: Anyone interested in any therapies mentioned in this essay must seek professional guidance before proceeding with any form of treatment. This is one part of a series of Ozone related essays, sources located at http://www.progressiveu.org/blog/51624-ozone-therapy-key-foundation pertain to whole the series.

Additional Notes of Interest:
This is why ozone is often called "supercharged" oxygen.
Some experts define ozone as a molecule having anywhere from 3 atoms of oxygen to 5, 6 or even as much as 21 atoms of oxygen. If this is the case, then that would even boost ozone's ability to effectively distribute oxygen in the body.
There is no getting around free radicals, which are charged and spinning around in lone orbit searching for another electron to pair up with. The problem with free radicals comes in when they are disproportionate in our bodies.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Do you watch movies for free online? Wolverine Leaked

A full length version (though unrendered) of the unreleased movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine was leaked on the internet.

a set of moral principles, esp. ones relating to or affirming a specified group, field, or form of conduct

Let's talk about nethics- (a new word as far as I know- I like making words lol). ethics using the medium of the internet.

I only found out around this past January that you can watch (without downloading, but streaming video)full length feature films online (I can hear the youth laughing cuz I'm way behind the times). I told my 60 something yr old mother, and she didn't believe me. 'How could you possibly in any way be able to watch feature films online, soon after their their releases (let alone before!) for free?' Mai own mother didn't believe me, until I showed her.

Most online movies are usually 'bootleg' copies, where someone paid to see the movie at the theatre, videotaped it and put it on the Net. But honestly, I still don't know how an unreleased movie like Wolverine could be leaked UNLESS by someone working on the film. However, before the net, you could BUY bootleg copies from street vendors, but now they just put it on the net for no profit? That's kinda weird. A sort of recession time, entertainment- Robin Hooding? You decide...

It's theft. It's wrong. But its a de facto practice by many.

Movies require millions of dollars, and make millions of dollars, movie stars and celebrities make exorbitant amounts of money performing (often producing great works of art) essentially a needless service.

When I was about 8 or 9yrs old, I was angered, confused, and saddened to the point of tears when I understood the wage differences between athletes (celebrities) and teachers. I didn't understand how such an important job (teaching), was so less monetarily valued. Now of course I understand the industry of art and the industry of education...

We are in a recession, and it's survival of the fittest, would Darwin watch movies for free online??? I'm not sure, but I believe many who watch movies online wouldn't wouldn't bother to watch them at all if they weren't online.

Bootlegged films will make less money. The stars will be the last to suffer.
Sure the studios loose money, but in the most direct of ways the movie theatres will be hurt. Their janitors, popcorn vendors, ticket sellers, the average working people. Not to mention the people who work tirelessly at places like BlockBuster.

With this in mind, are they still worth watching in this manner?

Friday, April 3, 2009

Dispelling Ozone Myths: the science of it

Legend Carlos Santana recently made a public statement that he wished President Obama would seriously consider legalizing marijuana (boy would the prices rise!) because the revenue could potentially pull us out of a recession (true). He said this is overdue, and likened it to the end of prohibition on alcohol. I see the progressive medical potential in the USA with the more liberal tone, favoring states to rule on medical marijuana. I hope this same progress will extend to the research of Ozone therapy sooner than later.

Ozone is a misunderstood disinfectant, swarming with myths. Ozone therapy is a neglected treatment that can effectively fight cancer. Ozone is an effective immunoregulator that kills pathogens, mitigates infection, detoxifies the body, increases circulation and oxygen levels, combats fatigue. These are made possible by it's unique chemical properties, high energy state, instability, and rate of reaction.

Ozone is an unappreciated disinfectant. Ozone is created naturally as well as by man-made ozone generators. It is formed by sunlight, lightening, or electricity and oxygen atoms. In the stratosphere, 6 to 31 miles up, ozone is a layer of protective gas that filters harmful ultraviolet radiation rays from the Sun. However it allows energy rich, life dependent sunlight to pass to all organic life-forms, while filtering the invisible UV light. In this sense, ozone is like a layer of sunblock on the earth that protects all organic life-forms. It is known to kill bacteria, fungus, yeast, and other pathogens to stop infection. Ozone can be very beneficial in the fight against cancer to clean out all the toxins that accumulate as waste from cancer cells, and dead cancer cells. Prominent sources including the International Ozone Association (IOA) and Dr. Andrew Weil founder of the Integrative Medicine program at the University of Arizona site ozone as being the most effective method for water treating facilities to make water fit for human consumption, making ozone even more effective than chlorine water treatment. The IOA said, "Ozone is the most powerful oxidant available to man. It is an effective bleaching agent and a powerful disinfectant, killing bacteria and funguses more rapidly than chlorine. Viruses and carcinogenic substances, which are generally not affected by the other conventional chemicals used in water treatment, are also oxidized by ozone" (1). Ozone is also a successful method for treating sewage. However, many know ozone in relationship to smog, the dark clouds often seen in large metropolises. Smog is a gaseous mixture which may include nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, and volatile organic compounds. Though ozone is found in the composition of smog, ozone is attempting to clean up these toxic elements. Scientists measure the amount of ozone in a given area to signify how much smog is present. However this can be misleading to the general public when in fact the ozone present is an indication of how much ozone is available and thus how quickly the smog is being broken down. In The Use of Ozone in Medicine co-authors Rilling and Viebahn say, "...ozone is used to measure the degree of pollution (in smog), but not the cause, which is often erratically assumed" (1). It's therefore often misunderstood that ozone will cause the body to be consumed with free radicals. Free radicals are any molecules that have one unpaired electron. Our bodies naturally produce free radicals which destroy bacteria and fungus and fight infection when they are in natural harmony with the antioxidants that the body produces. In Oxygen Healing Therapies author Nathanial Altman says, "Free radicals are produced by the body to deliver energy to the body's cells...also play an important role in regulating the chemicals the body needs for its survival, such as hormones" (2). However, if they become disproportionate, they can cause problems. This is why healthy bodies produce antioxidants to combat the free radicals by donating the election they need to become stable. "Antioxidants are enzymes that protect cells from free radicals by chemically changing them into harmless compounds like oxygen and water" (2). When antioxidant levels are low in the body free radicals can run wild. Often times antioxidant supplements are suggested to help fight free radicals.

The discoveries of Otto Warburg, James D. Watson, and Joaquim Varro were integral to developing a regime for ozone to fight cancer.

View opposing viewpoints, as I did. They are truly easy to find. Check out comments on mai other blogs in this series. What works for some, doesn't work for all, and vice versa. If you or someone you love are in need, and knowledge of this underrated treatment could help you, I'm fully justified and proud to shed more light. This is NOT the first medical care that people have villianized only to later tout as advanced.

"EDUCATION IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN IGNORANCE- dont be shamed into not knowing. Its always ethical to be well informed." - mai

TAKE NOTE: Anyone interested in any therapies mentioned in this essay must seek professional guidance before proceeding with any form of treatment. This is one part of a series of Ozone related essays, sources located at http://www.progressiveu.org/blog/51624-ozone-therapy-key-foundation pertain to whole the series.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ozone Therapy: The Key Foundation

Well since the government are lifting limitations (stem cell), and select states are growing more liberal with their medical marijuana regulations, lets keep progressing by taking a closer look at ozone therapy.

There are three key discoveries that explain why ozone helps to fight cancer. First, cancer arises because of a lack of oxygen to the cells. Second, cancer has a viral component. Third, the growth of select tumors is inhibited by ozone.

In the 1930s, Dr. Otto Warburg of Germany hypothesized that the predominate precondition for cancer is lack of oxygen to the cells. He came to this conclusion because he noticed that cancer cells had decreased respiration in comparison to healthy cells, and that the mitochondria of the cancer cells had decreased energy production (2). For this he won the Nobel Prize in 1931. Dr. Max Gerson author of A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases and the Cure of Advanced Cancer supports Warburg by stating that "the ideal task of cancer therapy is to restore the function of oxidizing systems in the entire organism." Online author, mathematician and accountant Webster Kehr contests that "cancer cells die when exposed to oxygen..." (3). This belief means cancer cells are anaerobic or thriving in low oxygen conditions and destroyed in contact with oxygen. If cancer is predominately caused by a lack of oxygen to the cells, then oxidizing the cells should restore some sort of balance. Warburg believed that lack of oxygen was the primary cause for cancer, and though he acknowledged other factors, he believed there was little need to focus on them, because they would distract from the primary cause which was lack of oxygen. Warburg discovered that once healthy cells are in low oxygen levels they are forced to ferment. The byproducts of fermentation thus causes the mutation of the cell. This is the number one reason why ozone is thought to help fight cancer. Author of Flood Your Body with Oxygen, Ed McCabe explains that oxygen causes diseased cells to oxidize and be "burnt up in oxygen". However, healthy cells produce a protective antioxidant shield that diseased cells can not produce because they are consumed with toxins. Therefore, when the body is flooded with oxygen in ozone therapy, only the diseased cells waste away. Our bodies as well as our antibodies produce low levels of ozone (4). Compounding ozone's likelihood to fight cancer are the discoveries of Noble Prize winner Dr. James Watson and Dr. Joaquim Varro. Watson, co-discoverer of the DNA double helix, discovered that a component of cancer is viral, "among the most useful carcinogenic agents know at present are several viruses" (2). Therefore, ozone kills virus, a component of cancer is viral, and some cancers are caused by viruses such as Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) and Human papillomavirus (HPV). Varro discovered that ozone as well as oxygen and hydrogen peroxide have the ability to inhibit the growth of select cancer tumors. Studies at the University of California-Irvine have supported this discovery in finding that ozone therapy specifically helps patients with Hodgkin's Lymphoma (5).

The discoveries of Warburg, Watson, and Varro were integral to developing a regime for ozone to fight cancer. Ozone is a misunderstood disinfectant. Ozone therapy is a neglected treatment that can effectively fight cancer. Ozone is an effective immunoregulator that kills pathogens, mitigates infection, detoxifies the body, increases circulation and oxygen levels, combats fatigue. These are made possible by it's unique chemical properties, high energy state, instability, and rate of reaction.

TAKE NOTE: Anyone interested in any therapies mentioned in this essay must seek professional guidance before proceeding with any form of treatment. This is one part of a series of Ozone related essays, sources pertain to whole series.


1. Rilling, Siegfried and Renate Viebahn. The Use of Ozone in Medicine. Second Revised Edition. First English Edition. Germany: Haug Publishers, 1987.

2. Altman, Nathaniel. Oxygen Healing Therapies: For Optimum Health & Vitality. Rochester: Healing Arts Press, 1998.

3. Kehr, R. Webster. "Ozone Cancer Treatments." Cancer Tutor: Alternative Cancer Treatments Information Center. 26 March 2009. .

4. McCabe, Ed. Flood Your Body with Oxygen: Therapy for Our Polluted World. 6th Edition. Florida: Energy Publications, 2003.

5. Sorge, Robert H. "Ozone Therapy." Abundalife. 2000. 29 March 2009. www.abundalife.com/ozone.asp

6. Schadde, Anne. O3zone: a Homeopathic Proving. Seattle: Alethea Book Company, 1997.

7. Oxford Journals. "Adjuvant Ozonetherapy in Advanced Head and Neck Tumors: A Comparative Study". 28 March 2009. ecam.oxfordjournals.org>.

8. Karim, Steve. "Re: Ozone Therapy." E-mail to Mai. 20 March 2003.

9. Ozone Therapy. Videotape. Author. Channeler, Trance. Vision Quest Video, 1998.

10. Null, Gary. "Ozone Therapy." Listen to Progressive Radio Network. PRN, New York. 24 March 2009.

11. McKinney, Neil. "Creating Healing for Cancer Patients." VitalLink: The professional journal of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors 16.1 (2009): 47-50.


12. Edelson, Edward. The Encyclopedia of Health: The Healthy Body, The Immune System. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1989.

13. Murphy, Gerald P. et al. American Cancer Society. Informed Decisions: The complete book of cancer diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. New York: Viking, 1997.

14. Labriola, Dan. Complementary Cancer Therapies: Combining Tradition and Alternative Approaches for the Best Possible Outcome. Roseville: Prima Health Publishing, 2000.

15. "Otto Warburg." Encyclopedia of World Biography. Thomson Gale. 2004. Encyclopedia.com.
30 March 2009 www.encyclopedia.com>.

16. "Treating Cancer with Ozone, Oxygen & Hydrogen Peroxide (l)." Healing Cancer via O2, O3, & H2O2. March 20 2009".www.healingcancernaturally.com/ozone-cancer-treatment.h t m l >. 2007

17. "Ozone Therapy." Wikipedia. 28 March 2009. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ozone_therapy>.

18. "Ozone." Wikipedia. 25 March 2009. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ozone>.

19. "Gary Null." Wikipedia. 27 March 2009. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/gary_null>.

20. Weil, Andrew. "Your Trusted Health Advisor." www.drweil.com/drw/u/id/qaa322213>.
5 January 2004

21. "Providing Alternative Comprehensive Cancer Treatment." New Hope Medical Center.
23 March 2009. www.newhopemedicalcenter.com/cancer-treatments.aspx>.

22. "Alternative Medicine Anti-Aging Medicine Carson City Ozone Therapy." The Nevada Center.
23 March 2009. www.antiagingmedicine.com/procedures_ozone.htm#ozone>.

23. "Dr. Otto Warburg-On the Origin of Cancer Cells." Ozone Therapy. 23 March 2009.
www.anti-aging-today.org/oxygen/ozone/cancer-origin-warburg.htm>. 2009

USA behind Cuba and Europe in progressive healthcare- and nobody cares-OZONE THERAPY

So the funding limitations on stem cell research have been "lifted"... Well what about another proven viable medical practice? Ozone Therapy.

Hospitals and clinics in Europe and Cuba liberally make use of ozone therapy. Yet this medical advancement is being underrated in the United States and much of North America. Many doctors recommend ozone therapy for preventative care (9). Ozone has been used for decades to combat a myriad of illnesses, (many chronic) some include glaucoma, Parkinson's disease, AIDS, chronic fatigue, acne, hepatitis, allergies, and poor circulation to name a few. It is important to note that ozone therapy is just one part under the umbrella of oxidative therapies which also contain hydrogen peroxide and oxygen therapies. On March 24, 2009 a patient of Dr. Howard Robbins gave testimonial on Progressive Radio Network (PRN) radio hosted by Dr. Gary Null (New York) to the positive effects ozone therapy has had on his multiple sclerosis. The patient listed "improved vertigo, less dizziness, weight loss, decreased fatigue." Dr. Howard Robbins said that ozone "acts like a glue attaches to bad things fungus, yeasts" and deactivates them (10). The New Hope Medical Center in Scottsdale, Arizona and the Nevada Center of Alternative & Anti-Aging Medicine in Carson City are leading ozone therapy facilities in the United States.

Chemo might deplete your strength, Ozone may make you strong

Ozone therapy does not threaten the immune system as chemotherapy and radiotherapy do. However, if these therapies are required, ozone therapy may be used in conjunction and often mitigate their adverse side-effects (11). Such combination proved useful with the ozone therapy/radiotherapy trials in Spain (7). Dr. Neil McKinney says, "Radiation disrupts tissue organization by removing vital immune and stem cells" (11). It's important to strengthen the immune system in cancer patients because this will enable the immune system to recognize and fight cancer cells most effectively. McKinney says, "There is clearly a need to improve on the therapies that are currently considered the medical standard of care. What little progress that is seen in cancer care by conventional medical oncology is coming at an unsustainable price" (11). It is abhorrent that this potentially life saving procedure is being neglected in study and practice, especially when it has been shown to have positive effects on patients. Rilling and Viebahn, Kehr, and McCabe all site a popular January 1980 trial by the German Medical Society for Ozone Therapy in which 644 therapists were surveyed regarding 384,775 patients, totaling administration of 5,579,238 ozone treatments. There were less than 40 cases of side effects cited out of over 5.5 million representing a low rate of .000007% adverse incidents and four deaths. This study is perhaps one of the most well known and cited of ozone studies. Ozone clearly has potential to be a wildly successful and safe medical therapy.

There are three key discoveries that explain why ozone helps to fight cancer. First, cancer arises because of a lack of oxygen to the cells (Warburg). Second, cancer has a viral component (Watson). Third, the growth of select tumors is inhibited by ozone (Varro). It's abilities to successfully regulate the immune system, kill pathogens, mitigate infection, detoxify the body, increase circulation and oxygen levels, and combat fatigue is due to it's unique chemical properties, high energy state, instability, and rate of reaction. Ozone is a misunderstood disinfectant. Ozone therapy continues to be among several neglected, yet effective therapies.

TAKE NOTE: Anyone interested in any therapies mentioned in this essay must seek professional guidance before proceeding with any form of treatment. This is one part of a series of Ozone related essays (sources available upon request).

Additional Notes of Interest:
Some experts define ozone as a molecule having anywhere from 3 atoms of oxygen to 5, 6 or even as much as 21 atoms of oxygen. If this is the case, then that would even boost ozone's ability to effectively distribute oxygen in the body.
Ozone is sometimes used at about .1ppm in therapy. Some facilities practice such treatment, but many doctors are forced to stay "underground" for fear of loosing their licensing. Several prominent people have been suspected of using ozone therapy such as Irvin Magic Johnson and Rupert Murdoch.
These test would also help to answer lingering questions such as does ozone kill cancer or the viruses that cause cancer? Is it possible for fungus, bacteria, or pathogens to cause cancer?
Ozone should definitely be studied more extensively as it has proven potential. What's the fear of study?
Sometimes ozone is injected directly into the cancer patient as in with intravenous injections.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ozone Therapy: Are potential CURES for CANCER & AIDS being ignored?

The Obama Administration has recently lifted the funding limitations on stem cell research, and Nortre Dame, (one of the lucky 3 universities Obama has agreed to visit for commencement this May) is ticked about it. Lucky dogs... If stem cell research can be brought to the forefront... what about another proven viable medical practice? Ozone Therapy.

There are three key discoveries that explain why ozone helps to fight cancer. First, cancer arises because of a lack of oxygen to the cells (Warburg). Second, cancer has a viral component (Watson). Third, the growth of select tumors is inhibited by ozone (Varro). Ozone is a misunderstood disinfectant. Ozone therapy is a neglected treatment that can effectively fight cancer. Ozone is an effective immunoregulator that kills pathogens, mitigates infection, detoxifies the body, increases circulation and oxygen levels, combats fatigue. These are made possible by it's unique chemical properties, high energy state, instability, and rate of reaction.

Ozone is therapeutic. Cancer causes fatigue, imbalances the immune system (the core of our health defenses), and robs healthy cells of resources. During cancer the immune system falls victim and is compromised as it works over time to kill the pathogens in the body and to fight infection. McKinney says, "The most critical support NDs can offer is to help the patient's immune system...the immune system's mandate is to protect and repair our own tissues, and attack everything else. Cancer cells...summon(s) immune cells bent on repairing the tumor. However, the immune system cannot fix the genetic damage in the cancer cells, and the cancer cells won't switch off as they should, so it becomes "the would that will not heal". The immune cells increase blood supply, release growth factors, and even switch off the immune cells that approach the tumor in attack mode. The immune system is...working for the tumor and not for the greater good of the organism." Ozone can kill some of those pathogens, giving the immune system much needed back up. Ozone regulates the immune system by calming an overactive immune system plagued by an auto-immune disease, as well as stimulate and support an under active immune that has been hit by any number of chronic illnesses from cancer to AIDS. An unfettered immune system has the highest likelihood of recognizing and fighting cancer cells effectively. Therefore, if ozone can help support the immune system, then it helps fight cancer in a significant way. Ozone fights cancer by combating fatigue, providing your body with added energy. Dr. Frank Shallenberger says that ozone, "accelerate(s) the citric acid cycle, which is the main cycle for the liberation of energy from sugars. This then stimulates basic metabolism. It also breaks down proteins, carbohydrates, and fats to be used as energy" (2). It also detoxifies the body by moving waste out. Oxygen is the second most electronegative element therefore it can bond with and oxidize any other element except the noble gases and fluorine, which is the only more electronegative element (6). Ozone can increase circulation because gas expands to fill its container such as the bloodstream, or the body. Due to kinetic energy, ozone gas diffuses through the body rapidly, moving from high concentration to lower concentrations, carrying oxygen throughout the body via the bloodstream. Other benefits include increasing the oxygen levels, purifying the blood and the water the body is primarily made up of. Ozone therapy has proved beneficial in conjunction with conventional methods. A study from several hospitals in Spain of the effects of ozone therapy on 19 patients with advanced head and neck tumors (H&N) was conducted over a three year period while the patients were undergoing radiation therapy concurrently. The trial concluded with positive results. "Ozonetherapy has proved useful in the treatment of ischemic syndromes, and several studies have described a potential increase of oxygenation in tissues and tumors. The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate the clinical effect of ozonetherapy in patients with advanced H&N cancer in the course of their scheduled radiotherapy" (7). Dr. Robert H. Sorge founder of Abunda Life Health Retreat and Clinic contends that ozone stimulates the production of white blood cells, inhibits the growth of new tumors (anti-neoplastic), increases red blood cell membrane dispensability, flexibility, and effectiveness, increases the efficiency of the antioxidant enzyme system, speeds the healing process, kills worms, amoeba, and parasites, enhances brain function, extends the life of the cell, and helps increase endurance (5).

The discoveries of Warburg, Watson, and Varro were integral to developing a regime for ozone to fight cancer. However, ozone therapy continues to be among several neglected, yet effective therapies. It's abilities to successfully regulate the immune system, kill pathogens, mitigate infection, detoxify the body, increase circulation and oxygen levels, and combat fatigue is due to it's unique chemical properties, high energy state, instability, and rate of reaction. Hopefully, soon this therapy will be further observed in theory, experiment, and practice.

TAKE NOTE: Anyone interested in any therapies mentioned in this essay must seek professional guidance before proceeding with any form of treatment. This is one part of a series of Ozone related essays (sources available upon request).

Additional Notes of Interest:
Ozone purifies water in our bodies similar how water plants treat water with ozone.
Ozone can help the blood cells move.
Healthy cells produce more oxygen and respirate more than cancer cells.
Ozone helps to fight cancer in that it helps to make your body well, period.
It’s important to increase circulation in cancer patients.